Rose Dove Dalton and Albert Lee Dalton Homeplace

Rose Dove Dalton and Albert Lee Dalton Homeplace
This house and property belonged to John Ward, Jr At his death he willed the property to his nephew William Ward

Monday, November 8, 2010

Robert Adams of Jamestown November 8, 2010

The Inside of the current Jamestown Church, up...Image via Wikipedia

Robert Adams of Jamestown continued
November 8, 2010
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography  Volume 27 page 39
Minutes of the Council and General Court
A court held the 11th of January 1626, being present:
Sir George Yeardley, Knt, Governor &c
Capt. West,Mr. Claybourne, Capt. Smyth, Capt. Tucker
Capt. Mathews, Mr. Ferrar,Mr. Persey
Robert Adams of Martin’s Hundred sworne and examined  about middle of August last past being at Mr. Harwood’s house heard Richard Crocker say Capt. Hamor & Mr. Persey had bought goods and sold them at an unreasonable rate and that they were unfit to sit at the Council.
On page 141
At this court Henry Gainey was presented before ye governor and council by ye Provst marshall for drunkeness, whereupon it is ordered that he should enter into bond of his good behavior in 300 lb. Tob & pay the provost marshall twenty weight of tobacco as being the half his fine and due for information.
The same time Robert Adams was presented likewise for drunkenness by ye Provst Marshall & ye like censure inflicted on him as upon ye said Henry Gainey.

See also The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography  Volume 4 page 24  for same information.

The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography  Volume 38  page 7
Quarter Court
A Court at James Citty the 3rd day of April 1627, being present
Sir George Yeardley, knt., Governor Etc.
Capt. West, Doctor Pott, Capt. Smyth, Capt. Mathews, Mr. Secretary, Capt. Tucker, Mr. Ffarrar
It is ordered that Left. Giles Allington shall have a commission of Administration upon the whole estate of Caleb Page, deceased, the 2nd of Aprill last past and that the said Giles Allington does put in security to the Court to deliver of an Account and surrender the said estate when it shall be lawfully required.  And Robert Adams of Martin’s Hundred hath offered to be bound with the said Giles Allington for the same.


It is 1626 and Robert Adams is still living in Jamestown or Martins Hundred.  Apparently, he has a problem with the bottle or maybe he was just celebrating a good day.

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